Know your contractors are compliant
The Contractor management solution provides an automated process for contractors to pre-qualify and be inducted prior to arrival on site.
WHS Monitor caters for all businesses with plans to suit any size.
WHS Monitor is not limited to private companies
WHS Monitor is flexible enough to provide end-to-end compliance solutions for every industry.
WHS Monitor is a flexible software that can be used for any number of compliance related functions
Full service offering that offers all the modules listed including contractors, chemicals, assets, visitors and more
Perfect for team’s with no contractors or chemicals who just need basic compliance for their workers
A standalone chemical management solution that can take care of your chemical inventory and chemical risk compliance
WHS Monitor offer a range of services to get you compliant sooner and stay compliant longer.
Read how WHS Monitor solutions solve compliance for a diverse range of businesses
The Contractor management solution provides an automated process for contractors to pre-qualify and be inducted prior to arrival on site.
WHS Monitor’s contractor prequalification system provides online registration for contractors, and monitors their compliance status with automated prompts to supply all required documentation including licences, permits and insurance certificates for tracking purposes as well as complete required online inductions.
Create an automated online contractor registration via a simple to use portal, customised to your business.
Ensure all contractors and their associated workers supply required documentation prior to arrival on site.
Setup customised, online inductions for contractors to complete prior to their arrival on site.
Create an automated online permit to work process to capture the risks of works completed by contractors.
The contractor management solution seamlessly integrates with Risk Management to identify hazards and control risks of activities undertaken by contractors. It also enables organisations to implement automated job order and permit processes.
The Contractor management module is seamlessly integrated with the asset and chemical management modules to ensure contractors on-site have access to all the relevant safety information required. HR management integration ensures all contractor records are always up to date.
Conduct compliance audits and risk assessments with your contractors via an interactive risk assessor module.
Capture job safety information and risks via a fully customisable online job assessment tool.
Capture sign in and out for all contractors, including jobs completed on the day and automatically generate reports for emergency management and job completion.
Setup fully configurable notifications to instantly alert relevant staff of contractor registrations.
WHS Monitor modules are the most advanced on the market with a long list of standard inclusions as well as integrations for automation between modules
The contractor management module automatically links all relevant risk, chemical and asset information to give contractors all the information they need.
See how WHS Monitor is improving the OHS management practices of businesses like yours.
A WHS Monitor safety specialist will contact you to assess your needs and demonstrate a system that suits your business.
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We want all WHS Monitor users to get the most out of the system, so we support you at every step.